HomeThe volunteers

The volunteers


If you want to become a volunteer

Contact: Florence Laudouar, Volunteering and animation coordinator

Email: benevolat@villagealzheimer.fr

Phone: 05 54 84 00 17





Since the first meeting on December 1, 2016, to which more than 200 volunteers were present, nearly sixty associations, institutions or individuals have been involved in the implementation of volunteering in the heart of the Landais Village.

Since then, the training of volunteers has continued, in particular with raising awareness about Alzheimer's disease and related issues. At the same time, animation programs are being prepared. In the Village, volunteers participate in the general animation by carrying out activities inside the site and by involving residents and their carers in associative activities.

They can exercise their activities in the Village, in the open air (pétanque court, pleasure garden, mini-farm, vegetable garden) or indoors (media library, auditorium, gym, restaurant, households, etc.), but also in the agglomeration of Acquois by accompanying residents on outings, to outdoor events (matches, Landes races, play, etc.).

The Village is a real place of life thanks to them.

This Village project delights me. I hope to find my place to help Alzheimer's patients. With them, there are so many adventures and surprises that we laugh about it, and it makes them laugh too! Anne-Marie Eydeli, bénévole

The Volunteers Gazette

The students in BTS Agricole "Development, animation of rural territories" at the vocational agricultural school of Chalosse in Mugron, created the Volunteer Gazette of the Village Landais Alzheimer.


La Gazette des bénévoles n°1

Au sommaire : avancement du village jusqu'à la fin des travaux / informations sur la maladie...

La Gazette des bénévoles n°2

Au sommaire : avancement du village / retour sur les journées de sensibilisation à la maladie des futurs bénévoles du Village.

La Gazette des bénévoles n°3

Au sommaire : édito de la Directrice du village, Pascale Lasserre-Sergent / les services et commerces du Village


Gazette des Bénévoles 3

Devenez bénévole !


Gazette Bénévoles 1